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Linear Algebra

Resource Description
Stanford CS229 Linear Algebra Review A great general purpose linear algebra primer.
Matrix Cookbook Good resource for looking various linear algebra things up, no proofs.
3Blue1Brown Essence of Linear Algebra Videos detailing what linear algebra actually "looks" like.
Convex Optimization (Appendix A) Appendix A is math background for optimization.

Linear Systems

Resource Description
Stanford EE263 Introduction to linear dynamical systems and linear algebra.
Tom Kailath's Linear Systems Classic book on linear systems, no PDF though.


Resource Description
Numerical Optimization, Nocedal and Wright The best book for general purpose (nonconvex) optimization. Implementation/algorithmic details on many common solution methods for convex and nonconvex problems. Interior point methods, active set methods, SQP, quasi-Newton methods.
Convex Optimization Stephen Boyd's book, the Bible for Convex optimization.
CMU Convex Lectures Ryan Tibshirani's convex lecture slides.
Stanford Convex Lectures Stephen Boyd's lecture slides.
PDIP QP Solver CVXGEN paper with all of the great implementation details for a classic primal-dual interior point (PDIP) method for solving quadratic programs (QPs).
CVXOPT Documentation All the implementation details for convex conic solvers.
Algorithms for Optimization Common gradient-based and derivative-free optimization algorithms in Julia.
Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Contains classic optimal control ideas.